Keep checking the Links page for the link to the Week in Rap.  After this time, I won't add it in to our blog.  If you want to follow me on Twitter (@kdv24), though, I will also post links to the weekly update on there.  Until then, here is the latest..."!"  Be sure you leave a comment after you view it!
heather,mariah amerson.serenity
10/5/2010 10:36:52 am

I thought that the rap was informative and fun at the same time, a must see for everyone.

Ms. Cole's Class
10/6/2010 03:26:03 am

We learned that there was a heat wave in L.A. and it got to 113 and they lost their power trying to use their A.C.(air conditioning). We also learned there were major floods in the mid-west.

Ms. Cole's Class
10/6/2010 03:30:52 am

We watched it again and noticed even more. We heard that the government wants to decode what people say on Facebook. There was a college in California (maybe UCLA?) that broke a world record for the most players in a dodge ball game...the biggest dodge ball game ever. There was something about the possible change in leadership in North Korea.


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