Woo hoo, here's our Internet Safety Rap!  Thank you so much to Joseph Foster, All-American point guard for the OIT Hustlin' Owls, for helping us out on our rap.  You all did a great job!  Be sure to send the link to your friends and family so they can let us know what they learned from our video.  Nice work.   

(It takes a little while for the rap movie to load, but once it does you don't have to wait for buffering.  Just click the triangle, then walk away, get a drink of water and come back to enjoy the show!)
Here's a little preview while you wait for our video.  These are some excerpts from our "celebrity rapper," Joseph!

We're working this week on the finishing touches for our Internet Safety rap.  Until then, here are the lyrics the kids and I came up with...

Online Safety Rap

This is our Internet Rap…

We’re gonna take some time,   To share a little rhyme…

So when you’re on the ‘net,   You won’t regret.

Now pull up a seat,  And listen to the beat


First thing to be aware, you need to think before you share:


Be careful what you put online, it won’t come off anytime

Giving out personal info isn’t fine, when you are online

Be careful what you put online, someone might be 49.


Second thing is tact, you gotta think before you act:


If you show respect, people won’t reject.

Make sure what you say is true, you don’t want people turning on you

Don’t steal, fo’ real;

If you didn’t make it, check before you take it.

Think before you post; be careful what you boast.

Don’t be rude, ‘cause you’re in a bad mood.

If you wouldn’t say it to your mother, don’t say it to another


Third thing to know, is where you can go:


If it’s a college site,  it is probably right.

Remember of course, to always check your source.

If the site is from a college,  you’ll get more knowledge.

Click “about us” to know it’s true,  or you might not have a clue

Cuz, just because they show it, doesn’t mean they know it.

So, check 3 sources, when you need resources

Here’s a tip for you, check 3 sources to know it’s true

Before we spend time on the Internet, it's important that we understand how to be safe and appropriate in that environment.  So, we've been learning about how to be safe online.  First, we watched YouTube clips about online safety (see post from earlier this year) and had great discussions about what that means to us.  Then we created a list of what we know about safe online behavior.  
Now, we are taking that list and turning it into a rap.  We spent our half hour this week writing rhymes for using in our rap.  It's been great fun listening to the kids make the rhymes and helping to come up with a final product we're excited about.

Next week we will have a "celebrity" guest rapper to help us with our Online Safety Rap (we need a catchy title for it!).

Keep checking the Links page for the link to the Week in Rap.  After this time, I won't add it in to our blog.  If you want to follow me on Twitter (@kdv24), though, I will also post links to the weekly update on there.  Until then, here is the latest..."Week...in...Rap!"  Be sure you leave a comment after you view it!
I just found this rap that goes through some of the big news from the summer.  My understanding is that each week during the school year they will put out a rap covering that week's news (click here to go to their site and see new weekly episodes).  Take a look and see what you think.  After watching it:  is there news that you already knew?  did you learn any news?  did you look up any information or ask anyone what it was talking about?  Comment, comment, comment.  What do you think of it?  Make sure your comments are at least three sentences long and be specific!